The rundown on all seasons

This page was created to give an overview of all seasons, including a rating, best episode, worst episode, important points, cool characters, and more. Watch for links to the Characters/creatures page for additional information.

Season One - 2008/2009

This season debuted the long awaited for reboot of the Clone Wars, and did not disappoint. It opened with 'Ambush', showing the new relationship between the Jedi and their clone troops, and how they can work together in battle. While the animation may have been lacking, it hit the ground running and set the tone for future seasons with it's multiple arc storylines following both pivotal and side characters.


Best Episode: % Worst Episode: & Notable Characters: Cad Bane, Ahsoka Tano, Captain Rex Overall Rating: 7.5/10

Season Two - 2009/2010

Following the success and favourable reviews of hte first season, season 2 set out to deepen the bonds between characters and establish more complex plots. This resulted in many more multi-episode arcs and storylines, including the introduction of the fan-favourite relationship of Obi-Wan Kenobi and Duchess Satine in 'Mandalor Plot'.


Best Episode: Voyage Of Temptation, Brain Invaders Worst Episode: Landing At Point Rain Notable Characters: Cut, Boba Fett, Barriss Offee Overall Rating: 8/10